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Taccuino e penna

Published Works

I love walking just as much as I love telling stories about the places that I have visited.

Here you can find some references to my published works.


S. Zanni, Francigena per tutti: il cammino al femminile

in "Via Francigena" (collana Guide Verdi d'Italia), ed. Touring Club Italia, Milano, 2022.

S. Zanni, La Via per Gerusalemme

in the collection "Cammini e Sentieri, viaggiare a piedi in Italia e in Europa" published by White Star srl as an attachment to Repubblica and National Geographic, December 2021.

S. Zanni, La Via per Istanbul

in the collection "Cammini e Sentieri, viaggiare a piedi in Italia e in Europa" published by White Star srl as an attachment to Repubblica and National Geographic, April 2021.

S. Zanni, Cammino di Santu Jacu

in the collection "Cammini e Sentieri, viaggiare a piedi in Italia e in Europa" published by White Star srl as an attachment to Repubblica and National Geographic, December 2020 (pages 130-144).

S. Zanni, Da Arles ai Pirenei

in the collection "Cammini e Sentieri, viaggiare a piedi in Italia e in Europa" published by White Star srl as an attachment to Repubblica and National Geographic, May 2020 (pages 140-151).

S. Zanni, Incontrare l'altro, incontrare se stesse: una donna in cammino

in "Il Cammino di Santiago" (collana Guide Verdi d'Europa e del Mondo), published by Touring Club Italia, Milano, 2020.

Podcast & Blogs

From Milan to Finisterre, my Camino from home

[blog in Italian and English]

From Aquileia to Belgrade, walking in Romans' footsteps [podcast in Italian,

blog in English]

Walking across Sicily's most beautiful mountains

[Podcast in Italian].

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